Edible Flower Mix - Hudson Valley Seed Co

  • $4.85

Flowers are nature’s most intricate candies.

When we think of eating from the garden, we tend to think of fruits, roots, greens, and herbs. But flowers are nature's most intricate candies. With a range of flavors from sweet to spicy, flowers not only add bright and elegant beauty to any dish but can impart culinary and nutritional diversity as well. Always gorgeous fresh in a salad, some blooms can also be candied or cooked. If you are what you eat, then why not become a beautiful flower?

Contains Arugula (let flower!), Nasturtium, Chinese Pinks Dianthus, Borage, Chervil, Tall Blue Cornflower, Tangerine Gem Marigold, and Royal Carpet Alyssum.

Growing Instructions: Sow by hand, being sure to bury the larger nasturtium seeds with your fingers while allowing the tinier seeds to station themselves closer to the surface. Keep watered during the early stages of growth, then lighten up as the plants move toward flowering. Sow mid-season for a second wave of edible blooms in late summer and early fall. Harvest blooms soon after they open. All are edible, but avoid the bitter bases of the marigold and dianthus flowers.

Days to Germination 7-10 days
Days to Maturity 45-100 days
Planting Depth 0-½"
Spacing in Row 10"
Spacing Between Rows 10"
Height at Maturity 12-36"
Width at Maturity 12"
Sun Preference Full to Partial Sun

the buzz from our customers

our mission

My beekeeping journey began over 12 years ago with my oldest daughter begging for a dog, which led us to getting baby chickens instead,  then honey bees were added to our urban backyard farm and the rest is history.  

We're urban NYC beekeepers with a mission to help save the bees and other pollinators. Bees have been declining at an alarming rate which can impact the global food supply as bees are essential in pollination.  

Our honey is pure and raw and sourced from either our own local hives or small apiaries, like us, from around the country.  We believe in sustainable beekeeping, supporting small local beekeepers who in turn work with small local family farms to help pollinate their crops and bring you real, delicious honey.


Ruth (Queen Bee)

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